Tom Diaz

Coulter, Kaus and Those Uppity Brown People

In Cultural assassination, Ignorance of History, politics, The Great Stupid, The So-called "News Media", Tired Old Republicans on March 9, 2014 at 2:14 pm

Leading Conservatives, Presidential Candidates Speak At CPAC Gatheringkaus

This from The Huffington Post about two of the most spiritually ugly “pundits” in America today:

Conservative firebrand Ann Coulter and the Daily Caller’s Mickey Kaus held a one-sided debate on Saturday that mostly served as a 50-minute screed from Coulter on the “browning of America” due to immigration.

Among other reasons to oppose reform, Coulter said: It would help Democrats.

“You want the Democrats who want more immigrants, particularly illegal immigrants, because they need brand new voters, just warm bodies, more votes,” she said. “Amnesty goes through, and the Democrats have 30 million new voters. I just don’t think Republicans have an obligation to forgive law-breaking just because the Democrats need another 30 million voters.”

The debate was ostensibly between a conservative and a liberal — Kaus said he voted twice for President Barack Obama — but the two speakers shared the same view on immigration. Although they discussed a variety of topics, immigration became the principal focus — and not exactly in the softer tone many Republicans have been attempting on the issue to avoid alienating Latino voters.

On that front, Kaus wasn’t much different from Coulter.

“Democrats have a perfectly good reason to be for amnesty, which is craven ethnic pandering that’s going to ensure our power for the next two generations, but what is the Republican excuse?” Kaus asked while talking about Republicans who support reform.

Coulter praised 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s comments on immigration, which were widely considered to hurt his efforts to win over Latinos. She said she supported Romney because he was the “most aggressive” on immigration.

Coulter said only MSNBC seems to have noticed — and celebrated — the “browning of America.” “But if you don’t celebrate it, you’re a racist,” she said sarcastically.

She mocked those who are more sympathetic to undocumented immigrants, saying most undocumented people are young men who crossed the border without authorization. She also said it’s wrong to claim concern about children when discussing deportations.

“It’s not as if people crossing the border illegally in the back of trucks marked pico de gallo, hiding in barrels, running from the border guards — it’s not like they did not know what they were doing was wrong,” she said. “Everyone acts like they stumbled into the country.”

I just love it when bloviaters like Coulter and Kaus denigrate, disparage, and demean immigrants and the modern immigrant experience, because it adds more mass to the right-wing death spiral, which has already reached terminal velocity. In their ignorantly misshapen view, the only authentic immigrant experience was (a) white European imperialist “colonizers” committing genocide, (2) mass importation of black slaves by white European imperialists committing genocide, and (3) white European imperialists opening the valve for “brown” Europeans [Eastern and Southern Europeans] just enough to provide labor to be exploited by the white European imperialist industrial enterprises. After that, circa 1924, the ladder goes up, “quotas” are imposed, **and** immigrants of other ethnic origin are an existential threat to be denigrated, disparaged, and demeaned. [Putting aside the earlier, very racist Asian Exclusion Acts of the late 19th century.] This is why millions of Latinos, I for one example, who hold some cultural values similar to the Entity Formerly Known as the Republican Party will never, never, ever vote for a Republican Presidential Candidate.

That Kaus resorts to the “P” word–ethnic “pandering”–shows the paucity of his intellectual arsenal.  It’s as if civil rights legislation in the 1960s was “racial pandering.”And the minimum wage is “pandering to the poor.”

Mickey, get a clue. The days of the Big House are over.

(Curiously, Ron Paul may prove to be the crucial exception, but he is not really a Republican, but a radical Libertarian. Hillary should be very afraid of him.)

▶ 3 Responses
  1. Ann Coulter sees the whole of life through the lens of race and class and thus injects race into many scenarios. Coulter is fearful of, in her own words, “the browning of America.” See Vanity: Ann Coulter’s Quest for Glory for more details, available at

  2. When Coulter discusses immigration she inevitably focuses on race! Coulter views the whole of life through the lens of race and class. See Vanity: Ann Coulter’s Quest for Glory, available at

  3. Reblogged this on pathofmoreresistance and commented:
    She just looks mean- punditry to her is just insulting people. Which makes it not punditry but being rude.

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